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It is advised to schedule a shadow work session within 3-7 days after your breathwork session. A deep breathwork session can dislodge a lot of stuck energy and emotions. As these come up to the surface, shadow work can help move the healing process along at loving, gentle, progressive pace.
Joy offers a gentle hand to hold for those who are facing the reality of religious wounding. Sometimes it feels isolating and lonely to question the programs and beliefs that you have been steeped in as a child or that you held dear and lived your life by. Having someone who can empathize and hold space for you is so helpful as you journey down the path of re emerging as the authentic YOU. Opening up to family and friends about this journey can be tricky when it comes to religion and closely held beliefs. You may not feel like there is even a safe place to express what you are feeling without risking rejection or abandonment.
Joy creates that place for you; to find your voice, own your deepest truth and be held in love so that you can keep your heart open through the pain and into bliss. You know that peace that passes all human understanding!? You will come to know it deeply as YOURS!